Corona outbreak in a circle Empty – restaurant-in-chief rejects allegations: All the rules have been complied with

The Coronavirus pandemic has the world firmly in its grip: More than five million people were infected worldwide with the novel pathogen, Sars-CoV-2 – 179.283 of them so far in Germany.
Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: a false alarm in Berlin: Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) has good R-value offset (08.02 hours), and the Netherlands will send a clear message to German (06.45 PM) More than 400 new cases, no state, without any new infections, but reproductive value drops to 0.70 (21.21 PM)
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Private Party? Restaurant chef short rejects allegations
After several Corona-infections in a Restaurant in a circle Empty of the restaurant operator has rejected the allegations against him. At the re-opening event at the Restaurant "Old Scheune" in Moormerland, it was at 15. May not a private Party acted. It had been fulfilled on the part of the operator of all of the conditions prescribed in accordance with clause 6 of the lower Saxony Corona-regulation, it said on Wednesday in a written statement, dated 26. May the lawyers of the restaurant operator.
So the tables are at a minimum distance of two meters and is arranged with guests from two households have been occupied. The distance of at least one and a half meters between the visitors and had always been adhered to. Also, there have been completely led lists with the data of the guests.
According to current knowledge would have clearly shown already three guests in front of the evening symptoms, which indicated a Covid-19 infection. This had been tested in retrospect, also have a positive effect. "Without the immediate Intervention of the operator of the new Infections would not be noticed in a timely manner or tracked worden" follows;, it was said in the statement.
During a visit to the Restaurants to have several people with the Coronavirus infected. Currently, you go out of the 27 Infected. The number in quarantine was persons rose to 154, informed the district of Leer.
All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
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