Corona-Figures show: next circle of Merkel’s limit breaks

The Coronavirus pandemic keeps Germany and the world in suspense: Around 3.7 million people have, until now, with the novel Virus-causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 infected – 167.057 of them in Germany.
After the Corona outbreak among the employees of a meat processing company in Coesfeld, the employees of all the slaughterhouses in North Rhine-Westphalia are to be tested for the Virus. The government spokesman Christian Wiermer announced on Friday.
Earlier it became known that the district of Coesfeld as the first in North Rhine-Westphalia, the new restrictions in the pandemic threaten. According to the data of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has been exceeded, the limit value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants a week. He was on Friday at 52.7.
The Federal government and the Länder had agreed on Wednesday that many in the course of the Corona-crisis had restrictions of public life will be eased, in a case of Exceeding this upper limit must limit but the concept is immediately implemented.
The Virus had spread recently, especially in the meat processing plant West of meat in Coesfeld. 129 Infected were on Thursday, after circle data has been collected. All of the 1200 employees of the site should be tested for the Virus.
With 87 confirmed infection with the novel Coronavirus, the circle stone castle in Schleswig-Holstein to the Federal government and the States stipulated limit of 50 new infections are among per 100 000 inhabitants. The details of the circuit from Friday. The limit for the circle with 131 000 inhabitants, lying at 66 new infections.
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