This must not be repeated: Maas sends tourism-a warning to Austria
The Coronavirus pandemic, the world will continue to be in respiratory: Significantly more than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 154.150 of them in Germany. All the News on the Corona-crisis and the fight against the spread of the Virus, you can find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) attenuates objectives, the expectations of a speedy Opening of European travel. "A European race to see who allows tourist to travel, first, again, leads to unacceptable Risiken", Maas the " said;Image on Sonntag" and reminded of the infection rate in the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl. "What can cause a infection cluster in a popular vacation area in the home countries of the tourists, we have already experienced. This must not be repeated."
Instead, Europe needs to have common criteria for a way back to the freedom of travel "as quickly as possible, but as responsible as you need,“ said Maas.
The trigger for the warnings of the Minister of foreign Affairs, among other things, the plans of the Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP for a step border opening for holiday makers from the Czech Republic or Germany. "We must not machen" the hard-won successes of the last few weeks;, so Maas. Otherwise it will be very much longer travel restrictions.
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Despite output limitations: hundreds enjoy the sun on the beach of the Elbe river
FOCUS Online/Wochit Despite output limitations: hundreds enjoy the sun on the beach of the Elbe river