Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Three sensations indicative of kidney damage – high blood sugar

High blood sugar: What are the warning signs?
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Take, for instance, diabetic nephropathy, which is the medical term given to kidney damage caused by high blood sugar. Would you recognise the warning signs? The kidneys filter the blood, getting rid of extra fluid and waste products from the body, including an excess of glucose (sugar). Repeated exposure to glucose, however, can be irritating to the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys.
Damaged blood vessels may begin to leak, which enables an abnormal amount of protein to leave the blood via urine.
“This is often an early sign of kidney disease,” the informative charity Diabetes UK pointed out.
But how would you be able to tell that this is happening inside of your body?
Firstly, you may notice that you feel really tired, more so than normal; secondly, you could feel breathless. And, thirdly, you may feel sick.
Kidney disease could also lead to swollen limbs, such as the ankles, feet and hands.
The progression of the disease could also lead to blood in urine, but at the very beginning, the condition could be symptomless.
As such, it’s critical to have an annual diabetes check-up so that you can be tested for kidney disease.
Tests might involve a urine or blood test, with the latter checking for a waste product called creatinine.
With one in five people with diabetes needing treatment for this complication, there’s a fairly good chance it could develop.
If caught early, however, treatment can help to slow down the progression of the disease.
An example could be ACE inhibitors, which help to protect the kidneys from further damage.
You might also be referred to a registered dietitian, who can help you to avoid certain foods that may aggravate your condition.
Diabetic nephropathy is not the only health complication that can arise from high blood sugar levels.
Type 2 diabetes may also lead to retinopathy (eye issues), foot problems, a heart attack or stroke.
The condition could also lead to nerve damage, sexual issues, and could increase the risk of cancer.
If, at any point, you are struggling to keep your blood sugar levels in check, do speak to your diabetes care team.
For those who are unsure whether they have developed type 2 diabetes, there can be some subtle signs.
The NHS listed the following as signs of high blood sugar:
- Peeing more than usual, particularly at night
- Feeling thirsty all the time
- Feeling very tired
- Losing weight without trying to
- Itching around your penis or vagina, or repeatedly getting thrush
- Cuts or wounds taking longer to heal
- Blurred vision.
People who identify with any of these symptoms are encouraged to speak to their doctor about the possibility of diabetes.
The condition can be confirmed via a simple blood test arranged by your doctor.
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