Drosten calls for change of strategy: the Japanese way, we can second deadly Corona-shaft to prevent

In the corona crisis, the concern about so-called super-spreading Events is especially a big issue. Germany is, according to virologist Christian Drosten on a good way, had to be based now, but in the way of Japan. So you could prevent even without vaccination for a deadly second Corona wave in the Winter.
Super spreading of this expression is heard at this point in the corona of a crisis often. He means that an infected Person infects, in comparison too many other people. This happens especially at events where many people meet together.
Virologist Christian Drosten takes in its NDR to the Podcast on the topic and explains "that the entire infection epidemic is carried by super-spreading Events."
Drosten: Situation of abolished, in which super-spreading is possible
The virologist explained the Whole thing to a thought. Out of ten patients nine to put another, one of them is ten people. "If we always know which Patient of the infectious is, would be in control of the totally easy and you could bringen" an outbreak is always to Stop;, says Drosten.
How could it be possible to control this challenge? "There is a way to target situations that are more likely for a super spreading Event", says Drosten. One reason for the Occurrence of these outbreaks, due to such a patient " was once the case;he is just in a social Situation where he has the opportunity to infect so many people. If abolishing these situations, you abolish also the super-spreading situations."
This is, among other things, by banning large events like football or concerts up to and including 31. August is already given. Despite the withdrawal of some of the limitations Drosten: " says;Many of the remaining Lockdown measures will prevent such super-spreading occur in clusters, because certain risk situations are to be abolished in order first."
"The basic situation has changed, our strategy ändern"
However, it would have to be amended in some Places, because: "The basic situation has changed, we must change our strategy." Especially with the Opening of schools and kindergartens in the Cluster increases-risk way to forced.
Therefore, the contact-tracing is fundamentally different, wherein the contact information Left, for example, in the Restaurant or Hairdresser, is a great help.
Drostens claim: Is discovered in a Corona case, you must analyze the environment of the Infected in terms of contacts, "if he could put in a Cluster, a super-spreading Event."
For example, a visit to the gym can be part of. This is to recognize, isolate all of the persons belonging to this immediately without testing, and to be regarded as infected. "The decision of the insulation must be made immediately, without view of a diagnostic result."
Cluster discovered? Diagnosis stop, all Affected isolate
That is about the way Japan went in the corona of a crisis that is now in the magazine "Science" in detail. been described, and the Drosten in retrospect, as "…mutig", but properly titled. Japan had taken only a few Lockdown measures, the number of infections decreases, but for a long time steadily, the death numbers remain low.
The key to this is the targeted use of the diagnosis to the detection of clusters. A such, the diagnosis is stopped and all members of the Cluster to be isolated.
"We need to nehmen" necessarily as an example for the next time;, says Drosten. Thus, it would for example also possible that an infected teacher in the entire school is closed would have to be, but only the classes taught in quarantine sent to could be.
The virologist sounds optimistic: "I think so slowly that we even have a Chance without vaccination and with this the General control measures have come off lightly in the autumn and the Winter, that is to say without a deadly new second wave. However, we need to look carefully how we nachadjustieren our current measures to prevent a targeted super-spreading Events."
Also read: After a dispute with the "Bild" places Drosten now with Kekulé
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