High blood pressure: What does your wee smell like? The sign of hypertension in your urine

High blood pressure is a common condition that affects more than a quarter of all adults in the UK. You could be at risk of hypertension if you regularly have smelly urine, it’s been claimed.

High blood pressure – which is also known as hypertension – puts extra stress on blood vessels and vital organs.

The condition could lead to some deadly complications, including strokes and heart attacks.

It’s crucial that your hypertension is diagnosed as soon as possible.

Having particularly strong smelling urine could be a warning sign of high blood pressure.

You may be at risk of high blood pressure if you’re persistently dehydrated, it’s been revealed.

One of the key warning signs of dehydration is having concentrated urine.

Your wee may also be unusually yellow or orange, and could be darker than normal.

Dehydration is linked to high blood pressure due to a hormone known as vasopressin.

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“High blood pressure is when you have a systolic [top number] reading of 140 mm Hg or higher, or a diastolic [bottom number] reading of 90mmHg or higher,” said microbiologist Dr Jill Seladi-Schulman.

She wrote on medical website Healthline: “Although more research is needed, it’s still worth noting that dehydration can lead to an increase in blood pressure due to the action of a hormone called vasopressin.

“Vasopressin is secreted when there’s a high amount of solutes [or sodium level] in your blood, or when your blood volume is low.

“In response, when you’re dehydrated, your kidneys reabsorb water as opposed to passing it in urine. High concentrations of vasopressin can also cause your blood vessels to constrict. This can lead to an increase in blood pressure.”

But, just because you’re dehydrated, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have hypertension.

It’s very common to feel dehydrated, and may simply be caused by not drinking enough water, or by spending time in hot temperatures.

You may also be dehydrated if you’re feeling dizzy or tired, without any obvious reason.

You should speak to a doctor if your symptoms don’t improve after drinking more fluids, or after using over-the-counter treatments.

You could lower your risk of high blood pressure by eating a healthy, balanced diet, and by doing regular exercise.

High blood pressure is often known as ‘the silent killer’, because symptoms only tend to reveal themselves if you have extremely high blood pressure.

It’s crucial that all adults over the age of 40 check their blood pressure at least once every five years.

You can check your blood pressure by visiting your local doctors’ surgery or pharmacy.

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