Like a diver without oxygen: The Corona Problem in the South of Italy

In Italy, isolation of, after two months, the first long-awaited easing in the Corona-crisis. But the new freedom for Jogging uses the people with economically little. Especially in the South, the worst is still to come. The Mafia sees their Chance.

Tourists love the walk in the maze of the streets of Naples, or the Chaos of Palermo’s street markets. You will appreciate the sun in the South of Italy, the beautiful sea, the food.

This year, there’s not all that. Although Italy loosens lock on this Monday after nearly two long months, the output, which were so severe as almost anywhere else in Europe. Then you can go back to Jogging, or a family visit. But most of the shops to stay. The economic prospects are especially for the people in the poorer South is catastrophic.

"Immediately saw that Situation könnte&quot be explosive;

"As the Lock began, we saw immediately that the Situation could be explosive, because a lot of families hatten&quot at once;, Alessia Rotolo of the aid organization SOS Ballarò says. They are distributed in Palermo’s famous market district of Ballarò food to people who can’t afford the shopping. "There are a lot of people, the work of black (…) and we try to help you." Because you don’t work legally, can’t even rely on the Corona-aid from the government.

In Naples, the chief of the pizza Association, Antonio Pace, says that pizzerias are allowed to provide back – but to eat at the Restaurant, no one is allowed to come. "Economically, it brings us not much." In the city baskets for the needy out of Windows to hang.

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The paradox in the South

The Paradox of the situation: In southern Italy the numbers of cases are extremely low. There are, for example, in the whole of Calabria only a little more than 1000 Infected, in Basilicata 360 and in Sicily something more than 3000. The majority of infections and deaths summed up to the North in the Lombardy, Piedmont or Emilia-Romagna. And yet it is everywhere the public life to a standstill.

The industry is allowed to start again on Monday with the production, there are in the Mezzogiorno, almost. "The only thing we could, the Tourismus", Loris Rossetto from Crotone, a town in Calabria, in terms of unemployment regularly is the leader in Italy told. "This year, the cruise ship &quot should for the first time;Aida" 18-Time to create, it would be very important gewesen", Rossetto, of the also offers guests room told. "But that is now cancelled of course due to Corona."

1.4 million people lost their regular income

According to a calculation of the think-tank Svimez for the Mezzogiorno, approximately 1.4 million people in the South have lost due to the Corona-measures your regular income and be able to apply for any state aid. There were people who were already only just getting by and with a Corona in poverty could slip, said Svimez-Director Luca Bianchi. "This may trigger social tensions."

And the Mafia could play into the hands of the people in Need with loans attracts and in the dependence. "One of my main concerns is that organised crime ausweitet&quot its influence on the legal economy;, so Bianchi. Anti-Mafia investigators had repeatedly warned. Mafiosi are able to offer aid for the community and businesses to infiltrate. The state must therefore offer quick help. "The economy of the Mezzogiorno is like a diver with less oxygen in the oxygen bottles, he can’t stand being under water for so long."