New Corona-Hotspot? Circle in NRW also shoots significantly above the upper limit

The pandemic keeps Germany and the world continue to breath! Around 3.7 million people have been infected with the novel Virus-causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 – 168.320 of them in Germany.
Coronavirus-News – top stories: the circle in NRW, now far over the upper limit (13.56 PM) gather in hundreds to place in Regensburg, Germany – police intervenes (11.39 PM)
Circle in NRW, now far over the upper limit
The number of new infections in the district of Coesfeld, according to a survey by the Robert Koch Institute from Saturday at 76 per 100 000 inhabitants in a week (as of 9.5. 0 PM). On Friday, the NRW health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) had given for the maintenance of the Corona restrictions important average score with 66. However, the RKI points out that there may be a delay in data transfers to discrepancies between his information and the actual local Figures.
After the outbreak of the Coronavirus in a meat plant in Coesfeld, Germany, in the circle in coordination with the state government had moved the actually, by Monday the country planned loosening of the Corona-requirements part a week. The operation was temporarily closed. More than 150 employees of the company West meat had been infected with the Coronavirus attached.
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