Stable Corona-in Germany – only 13.600 actively Infected

The number of new positive Corona Tests in Germany on Friday for 750. Thus, the total number of confirmed Covid rises-19-infections 173.694. In the past 24 hours, 68 people died in total. Thus, 7856 deaths are now in connection with the Coronavirus in Germany occurred. This results in an evaluation of the individual information from the health ministries of the countries.
As the Robert-Koch-Institut, announced on Friday, increased the number of Recovering in Germany now at around 151.700 – the are of 1,400 more than the previous day. The number of actively Infected, according to the RKI is thus slightly more than 13.600.
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
- Baden-Württemberg: 33.856 (1645 Deaths)
- Bavaria: 45.532 (2277 Deaths)
- Berlin: 6424 (181 Deaths)
- Brandenburg: 3191 (164 Deaths)
- Bremen: 1153 (36 Deaths)
- Hamburg: 5009 (206 Deaths)
- Hesse: 9204 (429 Deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 745 (20 Deaths)
- Lower Saxony: 11.111 (542 Fatalities)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 35.949 (1492 Deaths)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 6439 (216 Deaths)
- Saarland: 2659 (154 Deaths)
- Saxony: 5082 (196 Deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 1668 (54 Deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 2988 (126 Deaths)
- Thuringia: 2689 (135 Deaths)
Total: State-15.05., 19.12 PM, 173.699 (7873 Deaths)
Previous Day: Version 14.05., 19.10 PM, 172.944 (7788 Deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.
The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 151.700
Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,75 (as of 14.05.)
“The same place infection with disease”: After this statement, silence reigns in the ZDF-Studio
FOCUS Online/Wochit “Setting of infection with the disease is equal to”: According to this statement there is silence in the ZDF-Studio