US President Trump wants to secure German Corona vaccine exclusively for US

US President, Donald Trump has apparently tried to entice German scientists are currently working on the development of a potential vaccine against the novel Coronavirus, in the United States or to secure the drug exclusively for the USA.
The " reported;World on Sonntag" citing government circles. For that, Trump had promised to the scientists, high levels of financial subsidies, says the report.
Trump tested negative for Coronavirus
Meanwhile, Trump, according to his doctor, meanwhile, after contact with several Infected, a negative effect on the Coronavirus was tested. Trumps doctor Sean Conley, the negative test result announced on Saturday night in Washington. The President himself announced, in the fight against the spread of the Virus entry bans for Europeans are now also on the British and the Irish to extend. His government is considering, in the meantime, even travel restrictions within the United States.
"Tonight I received the confirmation that the Test ist" negative;, Conley said on Saturday. A week after a dinner with the Delegation from the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro in Trumps Golf club Mar-a-Lago in Florida, the President is also still "symptomfrei".
Trump had agreed to the Coronavirus Test only after long Hesitation. "I gemacht" the Test last night;, he said on Saturday at a press conference in the White house. Previously, he had rejected one of the Test days, although he had contact with several Infected.
“Antibiotics don’t help!”: A physician describes how the Virus is treated
PCP “antibiotics do not help!”: A physician describes how the Virus is treated