Horseradish: a medicinal plant of the year protects against viruses and bacteria – natural healing naturopathic specialist portal

Horseradish the herb of the year 2021 is
It’s long been known that horseradish is an extremely healthy food. It is rich in important vitamins and minerals and also contains plenty of fiber. In addition, it can protect against bacteria and viruses. Recently, the sea was named radish for medicinal plant of the year 2021.
According to a communication from a professionals Jury of the NHV Theophrastus has named the horse-radish (Armoracia rusticana) for the medicinal plant of the year 2021. The First Chairman of the Association, Konrad jungnickel announced.
Protection against viruses and bacteria
Horseradish is rich in Vitamin C, iron, zinc and potassium, and also contains a lot of fiber as well as Vitamin B1 and B2. Furthermore, are included in the sharp root essential Oils. These mustard oils can protect, according to the experts on viruses and bacteria. Due to its healthy properties, horseradish is already for centuries as a spice and medicinal plant.
Also, the Association NHV Theophrastus appreciates the positive properties of the Plant. The Association selects since 2003, the medicinal plant of the year. With the Initiative of the Association reports on the treasures of the nature.
Through a sensible use of this plant to alleviate or cure some of the suffering – whether as an extract, salad addition or a spice. Things to know about the horseradish, the Association will publish in a brochure and on the Internet.
Too little exploited potential
“Horseradish as a medicinal plant, a large and, unfortunately, so far little exploited potential,” says the Association’s Chairman, Konrad young Nickel. Scientific studies prove for the horseradish contained ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties, remarkable anti-viral effects and strong anti-bacterial effects. “This is especially in view of the increasing antibiotic resistance, pointing the way” so young Nickel.
Part of the daily dining plan
The sharp root, which is referred to in southern Germany and Austria as horseradish, is in many kitchens at home. Horseradish refined meat and fish dishes, vegetables and sauces. Jungnickel, who advises as a health practitioner, many of his patients to a natural diet, recommends:
“Horseradish should be – at least in the cold Season – part of the daily diet.” Then the root is a real cure in the sense of the Greek physician Hippocrates, according to which the food is also a healing agent should be.
In shipping, the positive effects of horse-radish are known for a long time. According to the figures, he was carried earlier on extended sea voyages as a durable food for the prevention of the Vitamin deficiency disease scurvy. (ad)