Corona-the Dead autopsy: In case of any pre-existing conditions have been identified – natural healing naturopathic specialist portal

Autopsy reports of 65 COVID-19-deceased from Hamburg
Recently, a post-mortem report of 65 deceased COVID-19-patients and patients from Hamburg, that so far, all investigated deaths with pre-existing conditions are in conjunction. This was predominantly the result of cardiovascular pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack and atherosclerosis.
A pathologist-a Team, the coroner, Klaus Püschel showed in the frame from 65 autopsies of persons who died in the course of a COVID-19 is a disease that all examined Affected suffered from pre-existing conditions. In spite of this pre-existing medical conditions, the pathologist come to the conclusion that in 61 of the 65 cases of SARS-CoV-2, the cause of death.
Nationwide autopsies of COVID-19-verstorb can start
From ambiguities to the Transferability of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) had advised against the first instance by the autopsy on the Corona-Deceased. Now the RKI relented and acknowledges the autopsies of greater importance, in order to close existing gaps in knowledge. The German society for pathology on calls currently in Germany, more COVID-19 autopsies, and puts a tab on the legs, in which the findings are to be collected.
Results of the Hamburg autopsies
Coroner Püschel reported that all 65 studied, the deceased had, in addition to the COVID-19-condition at least a pre-existing condition. The most frequently cardiovascular, were represented basic diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, or arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
In the case of 46 deceased were breathing prior to the pre-existing tract and lungs. In the case of 28 of the obduzierten people in addition, other organ were found to be damaged or a transplanted Organ.
In Switzerland no longer to be examined
In Switzerland longer COVID be an autopsy-19-deaths. In the University hospital in Basel, for example, 20 Covid-19-the Deceased were examined after death in detail. According to Alexandar Tzankov, head of the Department of autopsy, suffered all of the 20 autopsy cases prior to high blood pressure. A majority had been in addition with a BMI over 30 obese. Two-thirds had vessels damaged coronary heart, and every third had Diabetes.
Why so many victims die when the breathing
The Swiss pathologists were able to gain new insights by the histological examination of the lung tissue. “The fewest patients had a lung inflammation, but what we have seen through the microscope, was a severe disturbance of the microcirculation of the lung,” explains Tzankov, compared to the public broadcasters.
In other words, this means that the oxygen exchange in the lungs to work properly. Recently a report showed that the death rate among the ventilations performed during a COVID-19-treatment, is unusually high (see: COVID-19: In the case of mechanical ventilation, high death rate). “You can give the patient as much oxygen as you want, it is then easy to transport”, says the Swiss pathologist.
SARS-CoV-2 not only affects the lungs
By the autopsies and the evidence that COVID-19 not only affects the lungs become compressed. The Virus can lead to severe inflammation in the vascular endothelium, as in a study recently published in the renowned journal “The Lancet”, it was reported. This is a possible explanation for the Diseased to die, had to be ventilated (see: COVID-19: Coronavirus causes inflammation of the systemic Vascular).
Nonsensical discussion about “at” and “with”
Virologist Professor Dr. Christian Drosten, and the Swiss pathologist Tzankov see little sense in discussing whether a COVID-19-is the Deceased died from or with the Virus. Also coroner Püschel was in 61 of 65 cases of the Virus as a cause of death. Tzankov points out that while many of the deceased’s pre-existing conditions have, the lower the life expectancy, “but all of these patients would probably have lived without Covid-19 longer”. Whether the days, weeks, months, or years, play no role.
Pre-existing conditions, widely used
Under the specified pre-existing conditions, many diseases are. According to the German hypertension League, 20 to 30 million people in Germany suffer from high blood pressure. According to the RKI, roughly every fourth adult is also in Germany (23 per cent of men and 24 percent of women) as very overweight (obese). (vb)