Coronavirus pandemic: a Sudden Heart increased downtime dramatically – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

More sudden Cardiac arrests during COVID-19-pandemic
The Occurrence of sudden heart is still increased levels during the Coronavirus pandemic dramatically, reports in the Italian and French cardiologists. In Paris the number of cases have doubled in comparison to previous years, even.
Researchers from the Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou in Paris published a study, which shows that it has doubled during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic the number of sudden Cardiac arrests almost. In Paris, there was 26,64 cases per one million inhabitants. In previous years, this value was 13,42 cases. The results were recently presented in the prestigious scientific journal “The Lancet Public Health”.
Indirect consequences of the pandemic
While the direct mortality of COVID-19 is becoming increasingly better understood, has not been studied, the indirect effect of the pandemic on the population level, as yet, sufficiently. It is currently unclear what the health consequences of the closure and the associated lifestyle Changes. A French research now shows that the number of cases of sudden heart stands still of concern is increased.
Hospital data were compared
The doctors conducted a population-based observational study. As the basis of the hospital were used data of patients, the since 15. May 2011 in Paris velvet suburbs were collected. These data were then linked to a six-week period (16. March to 26. April 2020) during the pandemic compared.
Twice as many Cardiac arrests in Paris
The results show that there are so many sudden Heart gave during the studied pandemic period, around double the shutdowns in and around Paris, as it would be to be expected in the absence of the pandemic. Similar results show data from the Lombardy region in Northern Italy, where there was an increase of 58 percent.
Relationships with COVID-19 unclear
Since this is an observational study, were not identified the causes for the increased number of Cardiac arrests. The researchers suggest that the increase in part may be related to SARS-CoV-2 infections, for example, by increasing vascular inflammation, inflammations of the heart muscle, cardiac arrhythmias, thrombosis, or embolism. More likely, however, is that there is an indirect impact in connection with closures and changes in health care. (vb)