False negative test results when testing for Covid-19 – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

How reliable are the test results for COVID-19?

One of the most commonly used Tests for the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV to prove 2, it does not seem to be as reliable as previously thought. The probability of a false negative result in the case of a disease present is greater than one-to-five.

The researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have now examined the reliability of the results of a widely-used Tests for the identification of viral particles of SARS-CoV-2. They found that the Test can show false negative results, although the Person examined, in reality, SARS is infected with CoV-2. The results of the study were published in the English journal “Annals of Internal Medicine”.

Seven published studies were analyzed

For the current study, seven previously published studies on the performance of the so-called Reverse-transcriptase-Polymerase-chain-reaction tests were analyzed. The Frog we found that the Interpretation of a negative test should take the results with caution. This is especially true for people who probably had contact with the Virus or the symptoms that coincide with COVID-19.

What is the Reverse transcriptase-Polymerase chain reaction test?

One of the most commonly used diagnostic tools, in particular, during the COVID-19-pandemic, is the Reverse transcriptase-Polymerase chain reaction test. In this Test, a sample of the breath is used because, as virus particles, to prove and to determine whether the Person investigated may be a Virus.

The Test is used all over the world

The said Test was used in laboratories around the world, to find out whether a Person with the COVID-19 causative Virus, SARS-CoV-infected 2. Although the Test plays a crucial role in combating the spread of the Virus, remain residual doubts as to the reliability.

Probability of false results greater than 1 to 5

The probability of a false negative test result, in which a Person has been infected, the Test shows however a negative result is, according to the researchers greater than one to five and sometimes even much higher.

What is the influence of the time of the Tests?

The Tests do not seem to deliver, in other words, exactly the results, and particularly the timing of the Test seems to have a significant influence on the accuracy of the results, report the researchers in a press release.

Different test results on different days of the infection

It was found during the investigation that the probability of a false negative result of 100 percent on the first day of infection reduced to 67 per cent on the fourth day. The so-called False-negative Rate and decreased on the eighth day (three days after the beginning of detectable symptoms) to 20 percent, according to the Team.

Rate of false results rose on 21. Day

The researchers found out also that the day to develop a Person’s actual symptoms of the disease began, the average false-negative Rate was 38 percent. In addition, the started False-negative Rate from 21% on day nine to 66 percent at day 21. (as)