Increased infections may indicate cancer – natural healing naturopathic specialist portal

What is the connection between infections and cancer diseases?
Various infections may indicate diseases occurring later cancer. Such infections occur already years before the actual diagnosis of cancer is increased. The understanding of the relationship between the development of cancer and previously occurring infections could allow in the future, maybe the development of improved diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
In the current investigation, the Kyoto University in Japan, it was found that in the years prior to a diagnosis of cancer, frequent infections in affected persons, occur. The results of the study were published in the English journal “Cancer Immunology Research”.
Development of tumors after infection examined
Several studies have already pointed to an increase in the number of infections prior to the development of so-called non-solid tumors such as lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and Myeloma. However, few research work infections prior to the development of solid tumors investigated.
The environment In which it can develop cancer?
Cancer can develop in an inflammatory environment, which is caused by infection, disorders of immunity, exposure to chemical carcinogens, or chronic or genetic disorders,” says study author Shinako Inaida of the Kyoto University, in a press release.
Diagnosis and treatment of cancer improve
“It is believed that the immunity of an individual is a factor in the development of cancer, but further research is needed to understand the connection between precancerous immunity, infection, and cancer development,” added the expert. Such information may help to diagnose cancer early or to prevent, where appropriate, even.
Over 50,000 people took part in the study
The current study attempted to determine the annual infection rate among adults in Japan from 2005 to 2012. The study involved people aged 30 years and older without an identified immune defects part. The Participants included a control group of 48.395 people, as well as 2.354 people, which, between July 2010 and June 2011, malignant cancer was diagnosed. For each of the groups, the annual prevalence rates for Influenza, Gastroenteritis, Hepatitis, and pneumonia infections were calculated.
Six years prior to the diagnosis of cancer, higher infection occurred rates
The research group found out that the people in the cancer group had rates in the six years prior to their diagnosis of cancer, higher infection than persons in the control group in the same period of the case.
Specific Rates of infection were extremely increased
The largest differences in the annual infection prevalence occurred in the sixth year, a year before the actual diagnosis of cancer. This year, the infection prevalence rates were in the case group for Influenza by 18 per cent higher than in the control group. The Rates for Gastroenteritis were increased compared to the control group to 46.1%, for Hepatitis to 232,1 percent and for pneumonia by 135.9 per cent, report the researchers.
Probability of infection increased with more
In the case of individuals in the group of people with cancer the increased the age-adjusted infection rates every year. During the first year of the persons in the case group had a 16 percent higher probability of infection than the control group, compared with a 55 percent higher risk in the sixth year.
Probability of Hepatitis infection has increased massively
In the sixth year, the highest was observed in the age-adjusted likelihood ratio for a Hepatitis infection, wherein the probability of a Hepatitis infection in the case group and 238 per cent higher than in the control group, according to the research group.
Certain infections were more strongly associated with specific types of cancer
The researchers also noted that certain infections appeared to be associated more with certain types of cancer. So, the probability of flu infection was of the cancer detection in individuals at the highest, the sufferers of male germ cell cancer.
Infection of the organ does not increase the risk of cancer for this body
The probability of pneumonia was highest in people, which developed later of stomach cancer. The highest risk for Hepatitis infection had developed people, the haematological, blood-, bone – or bone marrow cancer. “Interestingly, we found that an infection that affects a specific Organ, necessarily correlate with an increased risk of cancer in the same Organ,” explains study author Inaida.
There were limitations with the current investigation?
A limitation of the study is the lack of information about environmental pollution was a way of life, or genetic and medical conditions that could have contributed to the development of cancer is also increased infection. A further limitation was that the information on infections was based exclusively on the included in the database diagnoses. The small size of the sample for rare cancers was a further limitation in the current study. (as)