New law for more Corona Tests

In order to protect the population from infection with the novel Coronavirus, and to get a deeper insight in the course of the epidemic, health Minister Jens Spahn brought a new draft of the law on the way. The aim is to find Infected faster in the future, and provide testing.
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The new "Law for the protection of the population in an epidemic situation of national Tragweite" provides that in the future more people will be tested on Covid-19. "The only way we can chains of Infection to be effective by a break and an uncontrolled outbreak of the epidemic in Germany. To do this, we strengthen the Public health service, enabling more Tests in nursing homes and expand the Meldepflichten", so Spahn.
The reporting system will be extended
The legislative innovations, the Federal Ministry of health can undertake the statutory health insurance, by regulation, to pay Tests for the Coronavirus in principle. Thus, Tests in a broader scope than previously possible – for example, even if someone shows no symptoms. The same applies for testing immunity, once it is clear that immunity for a longer period of time is possible, and the Person is then no longer contagious. If this is scientifically proven, is conceivable, that this immunity in the future, certify, analogous to the vaccination card.
In addition, laboratories must report, in the future, and negative test results, and health offices should provide, if someone is considered cured. Part of reporting is in the future, where someone probably has been infected. The data will be anonymized and sent to the RKI.
In addition, the law provides that the personnel in care facilities in the year 2020, a so-called "Corona-Prämie" in the amount of up to 1,000 euros to get to.