Protection against Covid-19: In the Czech Republic sewing people mouth protection masks

Because mouth protection masks are in short supply everywhere, sewing people in the Czech Republic are easy to own. Nothing is wrong with that, says virologist Christian Drosten of the Berlin Charité. The benefit to you is to do a self rather little.

Mouth protection is in many places scarce, so some people self-stitching: Completely far-fetched this is not from an expert’s perspective. If someone is Wearing such a mouthguard is a good feeling to have, he could quiet make, said of the virologist of the Berlin Charité, Christian Drosten in the NDR Podcast.

He admitted, however, with a widespread misconception: “You always think, man protects himself with the mask, in reality, one protects others.”  

In wet debate about a simple mouth may prevent the protection of coarse droplets of the carrier. The Inhalation of a medium-sized aerosol, the standing straight in the air, but that it will probably be held thereby.

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Collective mouth protection in Germany is hardly conceivable

Only if out of social pressure, and out everyone would have to wear a mask, and start the measure to make sense: Then it was to be expected that a spread of Infection, will, however, be reduced only in the close proximity, something, says Drosten.

Because of the cultural differences between Europe and Asia, he does not believe, however, that the Mask in the Western society Standard.

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Charges against the policy, which would have slept through it, mouth protection in sufficient quantities to ensure, rejects Drosten decided against it.

“Such nonsense, so can I say really one more time clearly, and with an exclamation mark! At one time, as you need to so what need to order in very large quantities and hardware, spoken to the world health organization (WHO) officially, that this is not yet a public health emergency, let alone a pandemic.“

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The masks are also risks involved

According to the WHO, Wearing a mask can create a false sense of security, so that, for example, good hand hygiene will be neglected.

Drosten reiterated that there is no scientific data for the effect of simple surgical masks and FFP2 protection masks. FFP3 masks there was, however, very close to the face, and would have accounted for a infection protection for such types of viruses.

Public transport in the Czech Republic: Only with a mouth and nose cover

In the Czech Republic, the citizens of sew at the moment, these masks themselves. The government in Prague has even decided that the stores that sell the textile materials of the disposed business closures are the exception, as a spokesman for Twitter said.

The transport authorities in Prague have arranged that only people with a mouth and nose can get coverage in trams, buses and metros. “Please use a mouth protection, a scarf or a shawl,” it said.

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